Audio Interviews with Experts
Patrick Schwerdtfeger regularly interviews experts in the area of entrepreneurial business, start-up financing and innovative marketing strategies. These interviews are each roughly one hour long and are free for you to listen to and learn from. They are described below so please browse through the interviews available.
Conference Call 09/01/2008 (call length 23:33)
Listen to our Conference Call about Social Media Integration, including Twitter, Utterz, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Flickr.
Michael Levin (interview length 58:45)
Michael Levin is an expert at taking a product to market and shares his 8 secrets to entrepreneurial success.
Jeffrey Howard (interview length 70:04)
Jeffrey Howard is an expert at the Law of Attraction and explores the use of Social Media Tools to accelerate the process.
Patrick Schwerdtfeger (interview length 71:14)
Listen to a teleconference Patrick Schwerdtfeger did for the Artists Edge membership group about driving internet traffic.
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